- "The porter"
- Jaume Plensa - Tinted paper, collage, photograph and plastic cover - 57 x 50 cm. Edition: 50 copies
- "S.T."
- Jaume Plensa - Litography and etching 98 x 62 cm.
- "Alban Berg"
- Jaume Plensa - Litography and etching - 97 x 61 cm. Edition: 50 copies Copy: P.A.
- "Homenatge a Johan Sebastian"
- Eduardo Chillida - serigraph - 65 x 50 cm. Edition: 120 copies
- "S.T"
- Chillida - Etching 1996 Paper: 61 x 80 cm. Plate: 32 x 37 cm. Edition: 100 copies
- "S.T"
- Palazuelo - Litography - 50 x 40 cm. Edition: 60 copies - Copy: 12/60
- "Rofe negro IV"
- Hernández Pijuan - Etching - 100 x 84 cm. Edition: 35 copies Copy: 19/35
- "Del jardín IV"
- Hernández Pijuan - Etching - 50 x 54 cm. Edition: 25 copys
- "S.T."
- Ràfols Casamada - Etching, 81 x 65 cm.
- "Gran 2"
- Ràfols Casamada - Etching, 2002 76 x 56 cm Edition 75
- "S.T"
- Guinovart Etching - Paper 58 x 49'5 cm. Plate: 25 x 24 cm. - Edition: 25 copies + 5 P.A. Copy: XX/XXV
- "S.T"
- Guinovart Etching - Paper 58 x 50 cm. Plate: 25 x 25 cm. - Edition: 25 copies + 3 P.A. Copy: III/XXV
- "S.T"
- Riera i Aragó - Serigraph, 98 x 64 cm.
- "Avió hélix vermella sobre manuscrit"
- Riera i Aragó - Etching with collage - 115'5 x 80'5 cm. Edition: 60 copies
- "Avió hélix daurada sobre manuscrit"
- Riera i Aragó - Etching with collage - 115'5 x 80'5 cm. Edition: 60 copies
Graphic Work'13
Eduardo Chillida, Jaume Plensa, Joan Hernández Pijuan, Josep Guinovart, Palazuelo, Ràfols Casamada, Riera i Aragó
- Graphic work and sculptures. From 3th December to 28th February 2014