"On paper"
Xavi Carbonell
Dalí - drawings
Salvador Dalí
Planimetries urbanes
Pere Bellès
From 16th May to 16th July
Simfonia - Rahim El
Rahim El
From 29th February to 30th April
Opening, 29th February at 7 p. m.
Denis Ymeri
De col·lecció
Bosco Sodi, Carmen Anzano, Jaume Ribas, Jordi Alcaraz, José María Yturralde, Luís Gordillo, Pere Bellès, Sergi Barnils, Xavi Carbonell
Xavi Carbonell
Ametista - Pintura i Ceràmica
Sergi Barnils
Of 9th February to 5th April
Opening, 9th February at 19,30 h.
Carmen Anzano
De col·lecció
Antoni Tàpies, Joan Miró, Josep Tharrats, Luís Gordillo, Miquel Barceló, Pep Codó, Rafael Canogar, Salvador Dalí
From 29th September to 30th November
Els nens contents
Sandra Partera
De la línia al volum
Ángel Camino, Jaume Ribas, Jordi Alcaraz, Pep Codó, Sergi Barnils
Jaume Ribas
From 7th October to 14th to January
"Més enllà de la matèria
Jordi Alcaraz
Until 15th July
Sergi Barnils
International graphic work
Antoni Tàpies, Hans Hartung, Jaume Plensa, Joan Hernández Pijuan, Joaquín Chancho, Miquel Barceló, Rafa Forteza, Ràfols Casamada
Darreres obres
Adrià Lanuza
Antoni Llena, Jaume Plensa, Jaume Ribas, Jordi Alcaraz
Le Parc, Lindström, Schneider - Paintings and editions
Le Parc, Lindstöm, Schneider
De col·lecció III
Antoni Tàpies, Jaume Plensa, Joan Miró, Josep Guinovart, Manolo Millares, Modest Cuixart, Oteiza, Ràfols Casamada
Graphic Work'18
Antoni Tàpies, Antonio Saura, Hans Hartung, Joan Fontcuberta, Joan Hernández Pijuan, Jordi Alcaraz, Josep Guinovart, Riera i Aragó
Graphic Work'17
Antoni Tàpies, Hans Hartung, Jaume Plensa, Joan Fontcuberta, Joan Hernández Pijuan, Josep Guinovart, Riera i Aragó
Hartung - Tâpies - Etchings
Antoni Tàpies, Hans Hartung
Graphic Work'16
Antoni Tàpies, Jaume Plensa, Manolo Millares, Palazuelo, Picasso
Group Show
Three photographic projects about Barcelona. Three differents looks of the city.
of 5th may to 5th june of 2016
Inauguration, 5th at 8 p.m.
Mirades - BCN
Blanca Viñas, César Ordóñez, Rosa Puig
Graphic Work´15
Antoni Tàpies, Eduardo Chillida, Inma Amor, Jaume Plensa, Joan Hernández Pijuan, Miquel Barceló, Palazuelo, Ràfols Casamada
Papers contemporanis
Jaume Plensa, Jaume Plensa
Adrià Lanuza - anys 70
Eduardo Chillida, Jaume Plensa, Manolo Valdés
from 4th novembre to 31th novembre. Inauguration 4th novembre at 8.00 p.m.
Tokyo Blur
César Ordóñez
Inauguration 9th october at 8 p.m.
Rubén Torras - Arqueologies
Plensa & Tàpies - Graphic work
Antoni Tàpies, Jaume Plensa
Inauguration 7th march at 8 p.m.
Ferran Vidal - Pintures sobre paper
Graphic work and sculptures. From 3th December to 28th February 2014
Graphic Work'13
Eduardo Chillida, Jaume Plensa, Joan Hernández Pijuan, Josep Guinovart, Palazuelo, Ràfols Casamada, Riera i Aragó
from 10th october to 16th november. Inauguration 10 th october at 8 pm.
Blau + Blau
Carme Porta
De col·lecció II
from 16th april to 8th june.
Marie-France Veyrat
Inauguration, 7th february at 8.00 p.m.
Tres projectes. Fotografia
Blanca Viñas, César Ordóñez, Rosa Puig
From 4th december to 12 th january of 2013
Graphic Work'12
Eduardo Chillida, Hans Hartung, Josep Guinovart
from 4 th october to 10 th november 2012. Inaguration 4 th october at 8 p. m.
Jaime Ruiz Tabares
from 4 th july to 29 th setember
Geometries compartides
De col·lecció
Josep Guinovart, Modest Cuixart
from 21 th february to 31th match 2012. Inaguration 21 th february at 8 p. m.
Espectare - Judith Gaset
From 29 th November to 30 th January 2012
Graphic Work'11
Hans Hartung
From 18th of May to 29th July of 2011
Jordi Gispert
From 24th of February to April 21st of 2011.
De col·lecció
From 2nd of December to 29th January of 2011
Relacions improbables
Carme Porta
From 5th of October to 30th November 2010
A 33 R.P.M
Marie-France Veyrat-Toni Riera
From 4th May to 30th June 2010
Experimentacions corpòries
from 4 th march to 29 th april 2010
Jordi Tolosa
from 10 th December to 30 th January 2010
Sculptures and drawings
Ferran Vidal
from 1st October to 30th November of 2009
Plensa. Graphic works and originals on paper
from 14th May to 14th June 2009
Tool Box
Iñaki Ugalde
December 2008 - January 2009
Josep Guinovart
Josep Guinovart
October - November 2008
Abans, la matèria (1956-1966)
Modest Cuixart